entry 1

  It has been two weeks since the incident and one week since I was allowed release from the hospital. After deliberating over the legal documents- it has become clear to me that nothing was prepared for event of an abrupt passing. Unusual for papa and highly unusual for mother. I must take matters into my own hands it seems-further study in preparation will be required.-Milo M.M.

Milo Mavis-Malroy

My mother has told me that i'm quite adept at Necromancy, which is the Magic the Mavis family has specialized in- unusual for my age it seems. It's often discovered when someone is discovered to be able to see shades, it's equally as strange for me to be the only boy in the family who can. Necromancy might be the only thing i'm good at- people just perplex me.The type of summon I plan on preforming is not without it's difficulties- the type of magic is highly dependent on the users intent. Unfortunately, Summons aren't categorized often with good intent. Should it all go well, it should be an non-issue. I am quite confidence in my ability. If you'd like to join me when the time comes...  <- back

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He is... an intresting character, very gentle despite his stature. I dont know what to make of it yet but he feels... safe.